Wu Qiong was born in Beijing, China in 1981. He graduated from the Beijing Shi Fan University in 2001 and Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in 2006.Being sculptor and painter, Wu creates art that represents the childhood that he and many others of his generation remembered and in doing so, creates touching and amusing portraits of childhood that are distinctly contemporary in the Chinese art scene. His works represent the childhood of Wu Qiong and his contemporaries and therefore created touching and interesting portraits of children with obvious contemporary style in the field of Chinese art.

This concept is furthered by the innocent expressions on the faces of his sculptures and paints subject, which are a great part of their appeal. Sometimes his characters march to tunes in their heads, or take to the air amidst fluffy white clouds. At other times, they come to terms with reality  – which possibly symbolizes the artist – along with his alter egos in the guise of children-having woken up to the way life really is.       



吳瓊的作品裡創造了許多感人有趣的孩童形象,讓人跟隨其回歸到一種簡單、純粹的心靈狀態,那輕昂起的頭,微閉上的眼睛,代表了何等的滿足與陶醉。每個人的童年軌跡是不同的,但都有著這相似的夢幻。兒童化的卡通形象 雙目閉合,微微上仰的面龐,含蓄半張的嘴唇 都離不開畫面人物“吳瓊式”的典型書寫。吳瓊作品中個人的“純粹經驗”就顯得充滿情感、真實而可信。


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