Coplu a self-taught artist, was born in Usak, Turkey, in 1958.   He is represented and his artistic creations are shown around the world by leading contemporary galleries.

He participated in his first art exhibition in Istanbul in 1984, followed by many solo exhibitions in Turkey and group exhibitions in Italy, Japan, France, Germany, Belgium, Russia, Spain, USA and Canada. His illustrations have been published in numerous magazines, newspapers, books and catalogues both in Turkey and across Europe. Since his first international recognition in 1989 with the Nasreddin Hodja International Cartoon Competition Special Talent Award, he has received 25 awards in national and international competitions, including second prize in a cartoon competition in Okhotsk – Japan. 

He has been working on three-dimensional art in recent years as well and produced 6 sculptures from the figures and scenes of his paintings. One of the largest sculptures, titled “Nature of Love-Warmth”, was permanently placed in Singapore Changi Airport’s recently launched Terminal 4.  He continuously traveling between three continents; observing people and their cultures, attending to workshops, charity events, Art Fairs, holding exhibitions as well as artist talks.

As a self-taught artist, he has been exploring different forms of visual art and developed his own distinctive style of painting last 20 years. Lovingly an array of textures and layers of acrylic colour are harmoniously combined using brushes, palette knives and sponges, bringing to life what he feels within his heart.

The subjects of Coplu’s paintings are always directly linked to human relationships and the different environments they are connected to, mirroring the feelings, beliefs, thoughts, fears and experiences that we all encounter during our journey through life.

As Coplu would say with a contented smile on his face, “Life is Beautiful”, which radiates through his whimsical yet thought-provoking and often optimistic compositions that add a splash of positive colour to life, transcending cultural diversities and connecting with the audience.

Coplu於1958年在西部烏沙克(Ushak), 土耳其出生。他遊走於加拿大和土耳其創作 – 藝術作品。作為一名自學成才的藝術家,他一直在探索不同形式的視覺藝術,並擴展自己獨特的繪畫風格。他自小生長在織品製造的家庭裡,他的母親在編織的時候會向他說明各種圖騰的含義和顏色所呈現出來的氛圍,耳濡目染之下,對於構圖、色調的搭配具有敏銳的觀察力,進而培養出視覺美感能力。


Coplu 擁有樂觀開朗的性格、充滿愛的靈魂於天馬行空的想像力,不難發現這些特質在他的創作中表露無遺。生動的色彩、幽默的題材與豐富的象徵是Coplu創作中缺一不可的元素。透過使用輕盈,強烈,鮮豔的色彩,托盤和筆刷的筆觸,描繪了我們與大自然互動的許多感受。在他的作品中,愛心代表人與人之間的情感、花朵象徵純潔與大自然的蓬勃生機、高飛的氣球承載著自由與夢想、樹木像徵者我們生命的開始和發展的家庭基礎、而船隻則有著展開旅程與表現冒險的精神。


Coplu樂於分享生活中的事物,希望人們在紛擾的生活中,能在作品中找回片刻的寧靜與溫暖。正如 Coplu 臉上常帶著滿足的微笑所說的那樣,“生活是美好的”,通過他異想天開但發人深省且通常樂觀的作品散發出光芒,為生活增添一抹積極色彩,超越文化多樣性並與觀眾建立聯繫。